Have you been hiding under the covers on Monday mornings in 2016?

12 December 2016

Would you like to love Mondays in 2017?

I thought this picture was super cute because one, yes I do LOVE cats but two, I love helping people love their Monday mornings! 


Because there was a time in my life where I dreaded going to work on a Monday morning, so much so, that it completely ruined my Sundays… 

I believe we all have a purpose in life and when we love what we do, when we’re utilising our greatest strengths, talents and passions, not only does work not feel like work, it’s our greatest potential to deliver outstanding value in the world and therefore become highly successful doing it. 

So now that 2016 is coming to an end, it’s the perfect time to reflect back upon your year with your friends and family and/or coach. 

An exercise I always take my clients through is to highlight 3 things that have happened in your life in 2016 that you are most happy about, proud of or thankful for.

Reflect upon 2016

For me one of the things I’m most grateful for is working with Jo Formosa from Back to Health and the co-creator of Health Dynamics, who has helped me enormously in my life this year. She has been an amazing support and through her process I have learned even more about neuro strategies and breaking through limiting patterns from your past. 

Secondly, I’m most grateful for the extensive travel I have been blessed to have experienced again this year, where I’m heading into my 7th summer in a row!

In 2016 I spent time visiting clients, friends and family in Australia, Switzerland, UK, Spain, France, Czech Republic, Serbia and Indonesia! 

Thirdly, I’m most thankful for each and everyone of, what I call my ‘kindred spirits’ i.e. all the people whom I have spent time with and crossed paths with this year, where I’ve not only had a great time with but who have taught me many things along the way. 

I would love to hear your greatest achievements and things you’re most thankful for in 2016 too! 

Once you’ve reflected on 2016 then it’s time to make a time to plan 2017.

Plan for your goals and dreams to come true in 2017

For me, I always start with buying an annual wall calendar and I populate it with all the most important things, people and events in my life and then schedule my work around that. 

Make a time to plan out your goals and the positive changes you would like to make in your life in 2017. 

Get the help and support you need to make sure 2017 is your best year yet! 

And if you’re anything like this cute cute cat hiding from your Monday mornings… 

Then get in touch with me, I’d love to help you get onto your amazing and ideal career path, that not only fulfills you in every way, but enables you to make your difference in the world. 

Remember there are other people missing out if we are not out there fulfilling our purpose in the world in the biggest way we can! 

I have the capacity to take on just 7 new clients in January so please get in quick so you don’t miss out. 

I would like to wish you, your family and friends a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year for 2017 :-)  

Until next year…

 Live Your Best Life 






Jacqueline Pigdon, The LOVE MONDAYS Expert is an Australian rowing champion, a spiritual life & career coach, author and award winning entrepreneur! Beginning her career in corporate IT and as an elite sports person she knows firsthand how to achieve goals and make a successful and fulfilling career transition. Jacqueline has dedicated her life to helping other women all around the world do the same and create a career and life they love! 

T: +61447728677 

E: [email protected] 


To get a copy of Jacqueline’s BOOK ‘Love Mondays Now – 5 Steps to a career & life you love CLICK HERE!

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